Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para give away en español


give away verb

unfavorite favorite
regalar (una posesión), revelar (un secreto)

Ejemplos de uso de
give away verb

  • The insincerity of his apology was given away by that slight smirk on his face.
  • She gave away all her potted plants when she moved
  • The way she looked at him gave away her real feelings for him.
  • His fellow conspirators gave him away to the police.

Traducción inversa para give away

regalar  (una posesión) - to present (as a gift), to give away, to regale, to entertain, to flatter, to make a fuss over 
revelar  (un secreto) - to reveal, to disclose, to develop (film)